Rare Photos From The Vietnam War Brought To Life With Color

Here Comes the Doughnut Wagon!

The Vietnam War s Red Cross Girls 2

627 women would serve as the historically renowned Donut Dollies during the Vietnam War, but their inception actually started in World War II. Beginning as a bright idea from a New York Banker and a main ambassador to the British Red Cross, the Dollies started out with just a trolley van, and while entertaining was always on their list, making fresh doughnuts for the soldiers all throughout Europe and Britain was the biggest thing they could pull off at the time in such a small traveling van; hence, the darling name that stuck.

A Star Is Born Way Before Hollywood

Kris Kristofferso 1

Kris Kristofferson is not someone small in the world of fame. He’s a hit singer/songwriter, actor, and extremely educated in the field of literature and cinema. He bumps elbow with some of the most famous people in the world and Kris is a proud veteran of the Vietnam War. Kris has always been extremely outspoken with his strong opinions about how he feels about war and soldiers in general, lamenting that he will forever be the strongest supporter for those in battle, but never for those who send them there.


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